Monday 19 May 2014

Studio in the garden

My “studio” in the garden
Cutting the costumes for grades 1 and 2 for the song “Il était un petit navire” while watching the koy in the pond...
Does it feel like work???  

Mon “atelier” dans le jardin
Découpage du costume pour les 1ères et 2ièmes années pour la chanson « Il était un petit navire » en regardant les koy dans le bassin...
Kanata Montessori School


  1. So beautiful..and what a gorgeous blog!

  2. This is the best thing - to entertain, while working! But it is always like that with children - we have much in common.:)
    Oh, your open studio can only inspire you!:) Good luck with the performance! I know this song from my Mum - she was a teacher in French.
